As a certified Pro-ACT In-service Instructor, you and your Sponsoring Agency acknowledge, as indicated by signatures on the Pro-ACT In-service Agreement, that the Pro-ACT training materials remain the intellectual property of Pro-ACT, Inc. and agree to abide by all terms of use for training materials requirements covering the use of Pro-ACT, Inc. training materials. Downloading these materials further confirms your understanding of the privileges and limitations of Pro-ACT training material use.
The following zip file contains all of the Pro-ACT 2025 training materials for In-service Instructors, including:
- Pro-ACT Participant manual
- Pro-ACT Participant exercise booklet/evaluation
- Pro-ACT PowerPoint presentation (original)
- Pro-ACT PowerPoint presentation (revised version_3-21)
- Pro-ACT Principle wall
- Pro-ACT training room graphics
2025 Pro-ACT Materials for In Service Instructors
To access the restraint certification materials, click here. Please note, that you will need the appropriate level of access to download these materials.