What we offer
- Pro-ACT
- Pro-ACT Update & Access
- Improving Planning and Reducing Risk
- Meeting the Demands of Working in Human Services
- Addressing the Needs of Students and Clients: Moving Beyond the Function
- Understanding the Profile of a Crisis: Fight and Flight in Clients and Staff
- Contracted classes
Consulting: To find our more about how Pro-ACT, Inc. can support you in meeting your consulting needs, please call us at 909-758-0322 or email info@proacttraining.com.
The four-day Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor course certifies participants to train the Pro-ACT® curriculum inside the agency in which they are employed. The Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor Certification workshop combines continuous assessment with a problem-solving framework that together offers staff the tools they need to make thoughtful decisions that increase safety and reduce potential risk.
The one-day Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor Restraint Certification course is available for those individuals who have successfully completed the four-day Pro-ACT® In-Service Instructor Vertification course and work in facilities where restraint is used. Participants who take the Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor Restraint Certification course do so in conjunction with the above-noted Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor Certification. Participants must attend the full day training to be eligible for certification. No exception will be made.
Participation in a Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor Recertification course is dependent upon eligibility. To be eligible, an In-service Instructor must have maintained their certification for two consecutive years based on the guidelines in the Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor’s manuals.
The In-service Instructor Recertification class is a two-day class that reviews all of the Pro-ACT® Principles including evasion exercises. The In-service Instructor Restraint Recertification class is a half-day class that reviews all of the Pro-ACT® Restraint Principles including course content and physical demonstrations.
For a schedule of Pro-ACT® In-service Instructor class dates and locations, click here.
Pro-ACT® Update & Access
When the newest edition of the Pro-ACT® and Pro-ACT® Restraint Certification materials were released in January 2014, in-service instructors certified in 2012 and 2013 wanted to use the newest version. One day Update & Access workshops were created to give them that opportunity. Update & Access workshops review the updated curriculum, identify and address areas of change, and, upon completion, provide participants with downloadable access to the newest materials.
Update & Access sessions are priced the same as Pro-ACT® replacement materials, $90 for the Pro-ACT® update and $150 for the combined Pro-ACT® and Pro-ACT® Restraint Certification updates.
To register for an Update & Access workshop click here: Update & Access registration
For additional information, please email info@proacttraining.com or call 909-758-0322.
For in-service instructors wondering if they can continue to use the 2011 material, the answer is yes. Any individual certified with the 2011 edition of the material can choose to use that material until the time of recertification.
Improving Planning and Reducing Risk
Pro-ACT, Inc.’s new one day training program, Improving Planning and Reducing Risk, is not a certification course. It is a one-day workshop/discussion that offers practical insight into making your work day safer and more productive.
Whether your work takes you into the community or keeps you in a classroom, this training offers understanding that can help you think differently about your role in creating safety.
For more information about Improving Planning and Reducing Risk, contact Pro-ACT, Inc at info@proacttraining.com.
Meeting the Demands of Human Service Work
This 1-day workshop explores issues of professionalism. By accepting a position in human services, staff members place themselves in very demanding situations and must hold themselves to a set of expectations that significantly surpasses that of the typical person on the street. This workshop addresses issues of self-care, self-control, organizational understanding, and assertive communication as tools for maintaining consistently high professional behavior.
For more information about Meeting the Demands of Human Service Work, contact Pro-ACT, Inc at info@proacttraining.com.
Addressing the Needs of Students and Clients: Moving Beyond the Function
This half-day workshop focuses on the issue of escape and avoidance typically resulting from threats to safety, frustration, or the need for autonomy/self-determination. Working in conjunction with the process of functional assessment, this workshop addresses the importance of exploring function in the light of human needs. If requested, this workshop can be adjusted to specifically address students on the autism spectrum.
For more information about Moving Beyond the Function, contact Pro-ACT, Inc at info@proacttraining.com.
Understanding the Profile of a Crisis: the Impact of Fight and Flight in Clients and Staff
“What just happened?” is the most common question asked following a crisis. There are physiological reasons for the sense of confusion that accompanies a dangerous situation. Understanding what’s going on in your own mind and body as well as what is happening with your clients will help you work and stay safer. This half-day session focuses upon the phases of a crisis, from its start to its completion, and the impact each has on both the client’s or student’s ability to process information and make good choices as well as that of the staff members involved.
For more information about Understanding a Crisis, contact Pro-ACT, Inc at info@proacttraining.com.
Contracted Classes
All Pro-ACT, Inc trainings and workshops are available on a contractual basis. Some classes are only available on a contractual basis. To find out more about the training that you are interested in, call us at 909-758-0322 or email info@proacttraining.com.