Professional Assault Crisis Training
This 4-hour, CEU approved workshop will address the “What just happened?” question commonly asked following a crisis. There are physiological reasons for the sense of confusion that accompanies or follows a dangerous situation. Understanding what’s going on in your own mind and body as well as what is happening with your clients will help you work […]
Have you thought about using Pro-ACT in your agency? That’s great! Now you have questions about your next steps. Cost? Logistics? Expectations? Outcomes? This is the time to get answers. Join us for this upcoming Roundtable and get your questions answered! We look forward to talking with you. To register for free, email, or call 909-758-0322.
This 4-hour, CEU approved workshop focuses on issues of escape and avoidance typically resulting from threats to safety, feelings of frustration, or the need for autonomy/self-determination. Working in conjunction with the process of functional assessment, this workshop addresses the importance of exploring function in the light of human needs. If requested, this workshop can be […]
The Midpoint Review and Debriefing exercises are some of the most powerful elements of Pro-ACT training. Together, these two activities summarize Pro-ACT principles, demonstrate the influence of staff action on client behavior, and illustrate the power of early support and intervention. To make sure you’re getting the most out of these two training pieces, join […]