Pro-ACT, Inc. is a leader in training and educating individuals committed to creating safer workplaces. Best known as the provider of Pro-ACT certification training, Pro-ACT, Inc. also offers OPTIONS 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Training, Pro-ACT Advantage and OPTIONS 553 e-Learning courses for online learners, and a variety of safety-related workshops for professionals, parents, and individuals.
- Pro-ACT certification trainings are for professionals committed to safer hospitals, residential facilities, classrooms, treatment environments, and social service agencies. The foundation of Pro-ACT Training was laid in 1975 when Paul Smith, a doctoral student working in a Southern California psychiatric hospital, became concerned about the amount of assaultive behavior he witnessed in his workplace and developed PART training. In 2002, PART became Pro-ACT, which has continued to evolve with curriculum updates occurring every 3-4 years. Pro-ACT Training is a risk management, safety enhancement system based on Principles drawn from best practice and tested in a wide variety of behavioral health and education settings. With an emphasis on critical thinking and continual assessment, Pro-ACT looks beyond the topography of behavior to identify and address client needs. Pro-ACT training is available throughout the United States as well as Canada, Australia, Brazil, and the Mariana Islands.
- OPTIONS 553 Workplace Violence Prevention training is the newest Pro-ACT, Inc. course developed in response to California Senate Bill 553. OPTIONS 553 training gives employees the insight and understanding they need to interact with customers, co-workers, and the public to minimize the potential for workplace violence. OPTONS 553 training addresses OSHA’s recommendations and the Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention Plan training requirements for strategies to avoid physical harm. The training also includes customizable, supplemental materials that allow an employer to meet all of the Senate Bill 553 training requirements.
- e-Learning is a convenient and flexible choice for employee training and professional development. Pro-ACT, Inc. offers Pro-ACT Advantage, an online course that serves as a stand-alone training or as a supplement to the Pro-ACT in-service certification. OPTIONS 553 e-Learning is a viable alternative to OPTIONS 553 Instructor-led training. Both e-Learning courses mirror the content of the instructor-led training in an easily accessible format.
- Half-day workshops cover a variety of topics related to workplace safety for employees and customers as well as clinical and educational support for clients. Review the list of currently scheduled workshops and select a class date to register.
Pro-ACT, Inc. maintains an unwavering belief that dignity and respect are the rights of all people and recognizes that there are professionals in a variety of work environments seeking more insight, support, and information for improving the safety of their workplaces. In response to those needs, Pro-ACT, Inc. provides an expanding array of training and consulting services.