There are a variety of Pro-ACT training options available through open registration and contractual agreement. This training is for individuals who want to train the employees in their agency.
The 4-day Pro-ACT In-service Instructor certification and 1-day Pro-ACT In-service Instructor Restraint certification are the most attended classes offered by Pro-ACT, Inc. Both of these are train-the-trainer certification programs that, upon successful completion, allow the In-service Instructor to train employees in the agency in which they are employed.
Pro-ACT In-service Instructor Recertification and Pro-ACT In-service Instructor Restraint Recertification trainings are attended by individuals previously certified as Pro-ACT In-service Instructors and in need of a routine update.
If your agency does not have or is not interested in having a Pro-ACT-certified In-service Instructor on staff, Pro-ACT, Inc. can provide on-site Pro-ACT and Pro-ACT Restraint Certification in-service training to employee groups of 12 or more.
Every Pro-ACT training program was developed with respect for the adult learner, offering pragmatic information that is relevant to the work site, whether it’s a hospital, classroom, work environment, or residence. Workshop participants obtain pertinent information presented through an engaging collection of exercises, discussions, and practice opportunities. To register for a Pro-ACT In-service Instructor training class or to see a list of upcoming training dates and locations, click here: Pro-ACT schedule.