Continuing Education Units can be purchased for a cost of $87 per Pro-ACT training and $40 for Workshop completion. CEU purchases are best made at registration. However, late purchases can be made on the first day of training. Pro-ACT In-service Instructor certification training courses are provider-approved as indicated below:
Pro-ACT In-Service Instructor Certification is approved for up to 28 contact hours by the following:
- California Board of Registered Nursing, provider #14521; and
- California Community Care Licensing – Administrator Certification Section for ARF, GH, RCFE, and STRTP providers.
Pro-ACT In-Service Instructor Restraint Certification is approved for up to 7 contact hours by the following:
- California Board of Registered Nursing, provider #14521; and
- California Community Care Licensing – Administrator Certification Section for ARF, GH, RCFE, and STRTP providers.