Pro-ACT, Inc. offers two train-the trainer choices: Pro-ACT In-service Instructor training and OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructor training. Once certified, an In-service Instructor can provide training to any employee working in the agency in which they are employed.
Many agencies find that having one or more certified In-services Instructors on staff is their most cost-effective and sustainable way to train employees. A certified In-service Instructor can provide training to new employees as they are hired and recertify previously trained employees as required by licensing or oversight organizations. In addition, onsite in-service Instructors are available to answer questions and provide regular and consistent coaching and mentoring.
Click to learn more about Pro-ACT In-service Instructor training or to see a list of upcoming Pro-ACT In-service Instructor trainings.
For OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructor training, click for additional information and to see a schedule of upcoming classes.
Because it’s our goal to help In-service Instructors do their best training, there are a host of other benefits. Pro-ACT, Inc. In-service Instructors get free:
- access to all required training material
- ability to audit a regularly schedule training class
- participation in any Pro-ACT Roundtable discussions
- access to telephone and email consultation