Pro-ACT training meets and exceeds the requirements of California AB 1172 which states that special education programs must provide training that improves staffs’ assessment skills and their ability to understand and address challenging behaviors, including strategies for de-escalation.
California Assembly Bill 1172, which was signed into law on October 2, 2019, and went into effect at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. CA AB 1172 imposes additional requirements on non-public schools and local education agencies. The Bill was proposed and signed into law following the death of a 13-year-old student after being placed in restraint while at an NPS. Much of the Bill imposes new or additional planning, training, and reporting requirements on NPS sites. Click to read the full content of CA AB 1172. Pro-ACT training meets the stated requirements for behavior management and intervention training as well as documentation and reporting criteria.