Roundtable Discussions are a great way to gather and share information about teaching Pro-ACT. If you are a currently certified Pro-ACT In-service Instructor, we encourage you to join us for an afternoon forum where you can share your experiences plus ask questions and seek clarification from Pro-ACT, Inc trainers and other Pro-ACT In-service Instructors. [Read more…]
Pro-ACT Influence on Escape and Avoid Behaviors
Research conducted by Eryn Van Acker, M.Ed. with Kim Warma, M.Ed. and Richard Van Acker, Ed.D., shows the influence of Pro-ACT training in the reduction of escape and avoidance behaviors in a classroom.
Pro-ACT Partners with Homeboy Industries
Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community. Each year over 10,000 former gang members from across Los Angeles come through Homeboy Industries’ doors in an effort to make a positive change. In a recently announced partnership with Homeboy Industries, Pro-ACT, Inc will provide a range of training to Homeboy staff. [Read more…]
Pro-ACT In-service Instructor Certification
Pro-ACT In-service Instructor training is the most long-standing and widely attended training program offered by Pro-ACT, Inc., and it is grounded in the belief that all people, regardless of ability or diagnosis, deserve to be treated with respect. [Read more…]