Remote Roundtable – Don’t Let Your Certification Expire
Uploading required training documentation is easy, it's fast, and there's no risk of delay or lost mail! All you need to do is know the steps. So let us give them to […]
Professional Assault Crisis Training
Uploading required training documentation is easy, it's fast, and there's no risk of delay or lost mail! All you need to do is know the steps. So let us give them to […]
This 1/2-day workshop has been scheduled as a private, employee only event. If you would like to schedule a private training for employees of your organization, contact us at 909-758-0322 or […]
Training on your own is perfectly ok, but it can present challenges that that you won't experience when training with another person. This discussion will present some simple tips for […]
This is a 2-day Pro-ACT In-service Instructor Recertification training plus an optional 1/2-day Pro-ACT Restraint Recertification training. Successful completion of this training(s) certifies a participant to continue training the Pro-ACT materials to […]
If you're a currently certified In-service Instructor, we hope that you'll join us at the Roundtable Discussion taking place in Sacramento, CA Roundtable discussions are a great way to meet other […]