California enacts legislation that prohibits the use of prone containment on a student with exceptional needs in a public-school program. For more information click the title above.
See You in San Diego in October!
Are you looking for in-person training? Join us in San Diego, CA, from October 14-18 for a site-based In-service Instructor training class. Space is limited–register today!
Get Certified in Citrus Heights This November
Looking for In-service Instructor training in person? We’ve got you covered in Northern California! Join the Nov. 4-Nov. 8 Citrus Heights in-person training this fall. Space is limited–register today!
OPTIONS 553 Training addresses Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention
OPTIONS 553: 1-day De-escalation training meets the requirements for Cal/OSHA’s new workplace violence prevention requirements. Requirements that will be in effect and enforceable on July 1, 2024.
Pro-ACT Training: Evidence-based or Best Practice?
Choosing the right crisis de-escalation and response program takes time, requires good questions and careful consideration.