How often do employees need Workplace Violence Prevention Training?
In the state of California, Cal/OSHA and Senate Bill 553 requires that every employee receive workplace violence prevention training annually. OPTIONS 553 meets the de-escalation strategies training requirement for SB 553.
Training requirements in other states may vary. OPTIONS 553 does address the Workplace Violence Prevention recommendations identified by OSHA.
How does an employer fulfill all training requirements of California SB 553?
As a certified OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructor, am I certifying the people I train?
Cal/OSHA and California Senate Bill 553 require that every California employee receive annual de-escalation training as part of the employer’s Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. OPTIONS 553 1-day de-escalation training for employees meets those training requirements.
While OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructors are certified by Pro-ACT, Inc. to provide OPTIONS 553 training to the employees of the organization in which they, the In-service Instructor, is employed, OPTIONS 553 1-day de-escalation training is not a certification training.
How long does my OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructor certification last?
OPTIONS 553 In-service Instructor certification is good for one year and renewable for up to one additional year. To maintain certification, an In-service Instructor must complete 14 hours of OPTIONS 553 in-service instruction within the facility in which they are employed during the first twelve months of certification.
If the required amount of training is completed and the documentation submitted as required, certification is extended for an additional 12 months. After two years, a certified In-service Instructor must be recertified.
Who should receive OPTIONS 553 Workplace Violence Prevention training?
Cal/OSHA and California Senate Bill 553 require that every employee receive Workplace Violence Prevention training annually.
OPTIONS 553 meets the de-escalation training component of those requirements and specifically addresses the workplace violence that can occur between employees and customers or employees and co-workers. It is the best choice of training for employees needing strategies for de-escalating difficult or potentially dangerous situations that may occur on the job.
As a certified In-service Instructor, can I train for other agencies?
The Agreement you and your Sponsor signed states that you can only train employees of the agency that employs you.